Nov 13, 2017
education is primarily a didactic experience with extensive
correction of mistakes. Yet when you consider human performance
metrics it is really important to remember that humans are mammals.
The science of animal training has been perfected since B. F. Skinner first brought the ideas of
respondent behavior and operant behavior together under one animal
behavior umbrella. Which specialty is now training residents and
medical students with chicken clicker training techniques? Orthopedic
surgeons. Let's see how it works.
Levy IM, Pryor KW, McKeon TR. Is Teaching Simple Surgical Skills Using an Operant Learning Program More Effective Than Teaching by Demonstration? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2016;474(4):945-955. doi:10.1007/s11999-015-4555-8.
N.B. Do you think the Levy et al publication was the inspiration for this creation by ZDoggMD?
TAGteach Fundamentals and Best Practices Free Course
Sidhom, G., Why GANs Give Artificial Intelligence Wonderful and Scary Capabilities?, August 23, 2017, Orange Silicon Valley Blog.